“Facebook sent a doctor on a secret mission to ask hospitals to share patient data.”

Facebook developed the world’s first commercial face recognition software to ‘help friends find each other’. Google regularly gets fined for harvesting peoples data illegally. Another time they were caught scraping peoples’ WIFI data and associating it with coordinates on Maps; and they were caught recording peoples’ videos and phone calls within their browser-based comms platform. Microsoft pretty much have forced everyone to reveal what they are inputting into all of their products at any time of the day and also force people to share their contacts to use their apps. People conveniently forgot that the first rounds of funding for Facebook was from a couple of businesses owned by the CIA and DARPA. Everyone understands when you tick that box all hell breaks lose with your data. I had to fight tooth and nail for Service Stop, a car servicing company to not give them my number. I then updated my mobile number and within 1 day I received a fake sms from a company posing as HMRC. Governments of the UK and USA have been putting State control of the Internet into place for years before we reach the next phase of digital evolution. What you see today is only a tiny piece of the potential of the Internet fusing with our daily lives.
