Social media

We curate and create content that tells your campaign’s story. We look at how we can seed and nurture the content into the right customer communities, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We have a network of social influencers across the Internet who are authentic people that can engage your customers. We harness the potential of your campaign by analysing behaviour and sentiment then using that insight with action we believe will amplify your story.

WLW helped an agency with a pioneering social media campaign for Lexus, a blog connecting customers with engaging articles from social influencers such as Bob Geldof. The approach was successful enough for the blog and campaign content to be featured in the news. We also helped RSPCA find its voice within social media, connecting its brand to children who campaigned through a kids’ social network, which was the RSPCA’s most successful digital campaign at the time. One of the coolest projects was for Chemical Brothers. They were looking for a digital campaign. Our solution was to be the World’s first-ever user-content made music video using Google Earth as an upload tool for YouTube. The campaign went viral and was a huge success.

We feel very proud that David Holly’s digital expertise and pioneering mobile work helped potentially millions of people in Africa feel more connected. We did some social strategy work for Al Jazeera, where we came up with the concept for the first crowdsourced news channel – The Stream. It connected brand new mobile SMS, GSM mapping and emerging social media technologies for people to help report news in places that are hard to reach through war, distance or limited Internet, all they’d need is access to a 2G mast. Some interesting things snowballed after our initial work. The platform became the backbone behind UgandaSpeaks, SomaliaSpeaks, KenyaSpeaks and the 2012 Kenyan Elections, as well as much much more.

Social media is consumed by the vast majority of people whenever they go online, it makes up most of the reasons why the average person looks at their phones 100 times a day. This means it’s integral to understand your business’s voice in this space.